Monday, January 24, 2011


Did not get much sleep this weekend :( I stayed with Amanda all weekend and last night they had her hooked up to heart monitor. It went off every 5 minutes until 3am, I had to leave by six to get ready for chemo today. The only good that came out of it is that it convinced Amanda she is in the right place. AMEN!!! Her heart rate is low and is even lower when they give her meds to sleep. I am sure they will change her meds tonight.
Please pray for me today that my chemo will be simple and I will be able to be strong for my daughter this week. I will let you know how I am doing tomorrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Day at A Time

I thought it was a great idea to go home and leave amanda last night. I think I got less rest worrying about her. It is so hard to leave her there but I am also so happy she is continuing her stay. I am so proud she has made the decision on her own to get better. I pray daily for peace and clarity for her and myself.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting back on track!!!!

Wow, have I slacked on my post, Sorry Gen. My life has been so crazy ever since Ohio. I will start making sure I post everyday. First, I wanted to share with you how my health is. I have not been doing the greatest, my pain is pretty severe and the chemo they were giving me was not working. I did get 6 weeks off chemo and got to enjoy the holidays with a clear mind. That was wonderful, I have started some new chemo treatments and we will see how it goes. I am staying positive and just remind myself I am not in the drivers seat Im just along for the ride.

I also am dealing with Amanda being in the hospital right now. I dont know if you were aware but she has been struggling with an eating disorder for the last year and a half. We were finally able to convince her to get help, she was admitted yesterday. Please keep her on your prayer list. I will post more tomorrow.