Wow, have I slacked on my post, Sorry Gen. My life has been so crazy ever since Ohio. I will start making sure I post everyday. First, I wanted to share with you how my health is. I have not been doing the greatest, my pain is pretty severe and the chemo they were giving me was not working. I did get 6 weeks off chemo and got to enjoy the holidays with a clear mind. That was wonderful, I have started some new chemo treatments and we will see how it goes. I am staying positive and just remind myself I am not in the drivers seat Im just along for the ride.
I also am dealing with Amanda being in the hospital right now. I dont know if you were aware but she has been struggling with an eating disorder for the last year and a half. We were finally able to convince her to get help, she was admitted yesterday. Please keep her on your prayer list. I will post more tomorrow.
I am glad to hear your news. I am sorry about Amanda, I hope and know that all things will go well in the end. As for your health, Mom had updated me and I continue to seek peace for you in my prayer requests. I know healing can come but in the meantime, I am seeking peace and comfort. I have been a slacker too so I will make sure to give you some lovely photos everyday.